Samstag, 28. März 2015

Boosting VHS

Just had a creativity boot and VHS now supports streaming webradios and video streams.
It even stores them and lets you use them for later selection.

Currently finalizing and fixing the handle between video and audio only stream, and the encoding display during video streaming.

Once that is accomplished, i can quikly adapt that solution to the screen, webcam and guide recording.

Cant wait for that :)
Have a great weekend!

Freitag, 13. März 2015

AwesomeWM-Spin 3.18.8-201

The new LiveImage is available.

Sadly, QEMU wont load the iso, even after 20 minutes of waiting...
Just last weekend i've figured there was an issue with the Anaconda installer on 3.18.7-200.
Took me until today to figured out the build error i suddenly was getting.

64 Bit already on sourceforge, 32 bit shortly will be.
Going to install the 32 bit on my testing device on saturday.

Donnerstag, 12. März 2015

VHS - DvD Encoding

Yay, just got 'my third' feedback regarding VHS.

Actualy it was a bug report, but for some reason the user didnt reckognize as such.
Actualy it was not even a real bug, i was working on the functionality of encoding DVD's, but for some reason lost track of it and forgot to continue.

The 'core' solution was quickly found, but the updated fine tuning, as i was previously working on it - there were some 'preparations' not completed yet.

So i needed to do some testing.

Now having some 'options' if the default copy mode of vobcopy should be different.
This may help to solve copy issues...

Please acknowledge that the output directory is $XDG_VIDEOS_DIR (defaults to $HOME/Videos).

But there are DVDs of which i cannot get vobcopy to work properly, as the drive stops spinning. This can occour with any mode, most-chapters, longest-play or specific title.

All of these arguments can be exectued directly, and reused as long the temp data is not removed and the disc is inserted.
Obviously, you would need to know in advance which audio stream is on which id when you want to use "-I ID".

vhs -Dq dvd -z 1:00-1:59:16 -I "4 2"
This will encode the dvd  to 'dvd' quality while keeping aspect ratio of original videostream, starting at minute 1 of playtime of the copied  vobfile, and lasting to 1 hour 59 minutes and 16 seconds of original playtime, using audio streams #4 as default-  and #2 as second audio stream.

vhs -DQ fhd -tl jpn
Will encode the disc to a full hd size, using subtitles and include streams which are japanese - if both your default languages are found for audio and subttile, you'll end up having 3 audio streams and 3 subtitle streams.

vhs -D
Will save the dvd without compression.