FOSS in a nutshell

FOSS, for which the GNU licenses are, is about:
  • have the source code available 
  • be allowed to change the code 
  • must share the code(-changes), to benefit others (as you did benefit as you just modified existing code)
  • It is the freedom to check for one own's secured privacy, obviously only given the required skill, but the option, the possiblity, is given. 
  • It is a big think tank, its about SHARING RESOURCES world wide for EVERYONE alike, wether it is a musician from America, a hobby photographer from France, a students from Africa or Russia, or a teacher from Iraq. Also it gives a better chance for compability.
  • Without the need to pay for closed-patented libraries, such as (but not limited to) codecs or document formats, one can write an application and keep compability among them, so the enduser can preserve his work, so (s)he is not bound to that single application, but has the freedom of choice.

Read more:

The GNU / FOSS Philosophy
Free Software Foundation - What is free software?

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