Dienstag, 29. September 2015

Almost there...

Oh yeah, i'm happy already, allthough it has not yet passed evaluation.

What i'm talking about?
I'm talking about TUI - Text User Interface for scripts, which has reached 0.8.9-GNU-RC16 yesterday evening, and if everything works out as expected, it will reach "GNU TUI 0.9.0" this week.

I've been using TUI already for about 3 years for my own 'production', but by now, it has achieved a state that deserves the label 'stable'!

The feedback, so far, has been good and promising.

What to expect when it passes the evaluation?
I plan to move the project home to: http://www.gnu.org/software/tui to share the texinfo manual and to be the first and primary point of announcements regarding it.

Obviously i'll post here about it too, but more in a human-speaking way, and less technical as there.

Oh im so excited, that i just cant hide it...
*dance dance*

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